

Hazy, lazy days spent on the beach as the azure waters lap the shore. Might not sound like Sweden but it is. And where else are you going to bask in the Midnight Sun at 12.00 pm...and get a suntan. In Sweden.

It's a shame to dismiss one of the more popular myths about the weather in Sweden (we're thinking of the one about Polar bears wandering the streets of Stockholm, spread we think by jovial Swedish ex-pats) but you can rest assured that Sweden has no wild Polar bears and there is no risk of you being mauled by one as you enjoy the sights and sounds of Stockholm.

Returning to reality, you can divide the country into three regions; central and southern Sweden, the northeast, and the northwest, or far north to describe the weather in Sweden.

In central and southern Sweden the winters are short and quite cold, and summer temperatures are similar to those in southern England, but with a lot more hours of sunshine and daylight. In the northeast meanwhile the winters are severe, the more so as you travel further north, while the summers can be surprisingly warm. In the far north the winters are also severe, with snow lying the year-round on elevated areas, and the summers are short and changeable. And because Sweden lies at a high latitude much of the country has very long hours of daylight in summer and very long nights in winter.

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