Botswana - 19-07-2011
Voir nos voyages : Botswana
Trip of Marie-Christiane
How would you describe your overall impression of this Uniktour trip?
Very satisfactory for a first long journey.
Overall, how would you describe your appreciation of your Uniktour travel specialist?
M. Bélanger communicated his knowledge of the region very well and gave us a good description of the proposed itinerary.
Describe your overall impression of on-location services (hotels, guides, etc.):
The people working for the local tour operator were good listeners and cared for our safety. Of course, when we were camping a friendly atmosphere quickly developed around the campfire and the two guides told us all about their Africa by taking us through it for more than 6000 km. Some of the chosen destinations were unusual and surprising; they caught us off guard and made us laugh…The few nights spent in a lodge gave us a very appreciated opportunity to rest. One thing stands out: everywhere these two men took us, people really seemed to like them and to hold them in very high esteem, whether it’s the people working where we camped, the parks we visited, and even other groups we met along the way. It’s probably their African smile…….
Do you have any tips for other travelers thinking of going on this trip?
First off, you have to enjoy a change in your routine and have a passion for discovery. You also have to know your limits, your fitness level, and your ability to adapt…you also have to enjoy discovering differences, whether it’s between you and other people, or other contrasts.
Is there a memorable moment or trip highlight you would like to share?
.... whew, of course! Every sunrise and every sunset! A cloudless sky!!! Maybe someone already told you this, but one morning, in Etosha National Park, we went off to adventure with Willie and Lucky…. as usual, the guide asks a tourist if he’s seen anything…. and yes…. a cheetah was crouching nearby…. waiting for the springbucks frozen in their tracks to make a fatal mistake and drop their guard…So, for us, the observers of the hunt, a wait begins, full of promise and possibility…. An antelope strays from the group that was heading in the opposite direction, and it wanders into the jaws of the beast…in a flash, a few seconds later, both predator and prey are under the shade of a tree, not too far from the road…I think I closed my eyes…but some of the pics taken are quite revealing…..
Would you recommend this trip? Yes